W imieniu Dziekana Wydziału serdecznie zapraszamy pracowników oraz studentów na seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się we wtorek 24 września o godz. 14:15 w Instytucie Informatyki w sali 119.
Prelegentem będzie prof. Alexander Dranishnikov z University of Florida, który wygłosi wykład pt.
On topological complexity of robot motion planning.
Przed wykładem o 13:45 Dziekan zaprasza na ciasto i kawę.
The topological complexity TC(X) was introduced by Farber as a numerical invariant of the robot's space of states X. Since TC is a homotopy invariant, it can be extended to discrete groups. Though it was well-studied for the last 25 years, there are only a few classes of groups where it was computed. In the talk we will compare TC with its new cousin dTC, a probabilistic version of TC, and discuss the problem of computation of both invariants for discrete groups and some classic manifolds.