W imieniu Dziekana Wydziału serdecznie zapraszamy pracowników oraz studentów na kolejne seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się we wtorek 30 kwietnia o godz.12:30 w Instytucie Informatyki, sala 119.
Prelegentem będzie dr hab. Marek Cygan z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz z firmy Nomagic, który wygłosi wykład pt.
Machine learning in robotic manipulation.
Przed seminarium, o godz. 12:00, Dziekan zaprasza na kawę i ciastka.
Since 2012 breaktroughs in deep learning have revolutionalized computer vision, machine translation and many other fields. However, the impact of those discoverings in robotics was both delayed and limited in depth. During the talk I will describe how data-driven approaches have changed robotic manipulation in recent years and describe challenges one faces when trying to transfer learnings from simulation to the real world.
O prelegencie:
Marek Cygan works at the University of Warsaw and at Nomagic, which is a startup where machine learning is applied to robotic manipulation. For many years he was doing research in algorithmic branches of theoretical computer science, his ERC grant on parameterized and approximation algorithms is in its final stage. Recently he is focused on applications of deep learning.