1(i). Nonnegative linearization of orthogonal polynomials
- Strong nonnegative linearization of orthogonal polynomials, "Theory and Applications of Special Functions. A Volume Dedicated to Mizan Rahman" (eds. M. E. H. Ismail and E. Koelink), Developments in Mathematics Vol. 13, Kluwer Acad. Publ. 2005, 461-477. pdf
- Orthogonal polynomials and Banach algebras, "Inzell Lectures on Orthogonal Polynomials,", W. zu Castell, F. Filbir, B. Forster (eds.), Advances in the Theory of Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials Nova Science Publishers, vol. 2 (2005), 103-139. pdf.
- (coauthors F. Filbir, R. Lasser) Hypergroups of compact type, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 178 (2005), 205-214. pdf.
- (coauthors F. Filbir, R. Lasser) Reiter's condition P_1 and approximate identities for hypergroups, Monatshefte für Mathematik 143 (2004), 189-203. pdf.
- A necessary and sufficient condition for nonnegative linearization of orthogonal polynomials, Constructive Approximation 19 (2003), 565-573. pdf.
- (coauthor W. Młotkowski) Nonnegative linearization of polynomials orthogonal with respect to discrete measures, Constructive Approximation 17 (2001), 413-429. pdf.
- Nonnegative linearization and quadratic transformation of Askey-Wilson polynomials, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 39 (1996), 241-249. pdf.
- Nonnegative linearization and q-ultraspherical polynomials, Methods and Applications of Analysis 2 (1995). 399-407. pdf.
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- Nonnegative linearization of orthogonal polynomials, Colloquium Mathematicum 69 (1995), 309-316. pdf.
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- Orthogonal polynomials and a discrete boundary value problem II, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 23 (1992), 965-969. pdf.
- Orthogonal polynomials and a discrete boundary value problem I, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 23 (1992), 959-964. pdf.
click here and see also the paper at the top of the screen
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- coauthor A. Kazun), Jacobi matrices on trees, Colloquium Mathematicum 118 (2010), 465-497. pdf
- (coauthor J. Obermaier) Orthogonal polynomials of discrete variable and boundedness of Dirichlet kernel, Constructive Approximation 27 (2008), 1-13. pdf.
- (coauthor J. Obermaier) Nonnegative linearization for little q-Laguerre polynomials and Faber basis, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 199 (2007), 89-94. pdf.
- (coauthor J. Obermaier) Polynomial bases for continuous function spaces, in Trends and Applications in Constructive Approximation (Eds.) M.G. de Bruin, D.H. Mache, J. Szabados, International Series of Numerical Mathematics Vol. 151, 195-205, 2005 Birkhãuser Verlag Basel. pdf.
- Absolute continuity of certain unbounded Jacobi matrices, Advanced Problems in Constructive Approximation, (Eds.) M. D. Buhmann and D. H. Mache, International Series of Numerical Mathematics Vol. 142 (2003), 255-262. pdf.
- (coautors F. Filbir, R. Girgensohn, A. Saxena, A. I. Singh) Simultaneous preservation of orthogonality of polynomials by linear operators arising from dilation of orthogonal polynomial systems, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 2 (2000), 177-213. pdf.
- (coauthor M.O. Gebuhrer) On symmetry problem for discrete polynomial hypergroups Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127 (1999), 1705-1709. pdf.
- A counterexample to subexponential growth of orthogonal polynomials, Constructive Approximation 11 (1995), 381-389. pdf.
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- click here and see also the paper at the top of the screen
1(iv). Chain sequences
- Sharp estimates for Jacobi matrices and chain sequences, II, Journal of Approximation Theory, 125 (2003), 295-302. pdf.
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1(v). Turán determinants
- (coauthor C. Berg) Bounds on Turán determinants, Journal of Approximation Theory 161 (2009), 127–141. pdf
- Positivity of Turán's determinants for orthogonal polynomials, in Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups (K.A. Ross et al., ed.) Delhi 1995, Birkhauser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1998, 165-182. pdf.
- (coauthors U. Haagerup, T. Steenstrup) Schur Multipliers and Spherical Functions on Homogeneous Trees, International Journal of Mathematics, 21 (2010), 1337-1382. pdf.
- (coauthor T. Pytlik) Weak type radial convolution operators on free group, Studia Mathematica 186 (2008), 77-86. pdf.
- Tadek Pytlik in my memories, Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 1-6. pdf.
- (coauthor M. Bożejko) Algebraic length and Poincaré series on reflection groups with applications to representation theory, Asymptotic Combinatorics with Applications to Mathematical Physics, A. M. Vershik (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1815 (2003), 201-221. pdf.
- Structure of geodesics in the Cayley graph of infinite Coxeter groups, Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003), 79-90. pdf.
- Norm estimates of discrete Schrödinger operators, Colloquium Mathematicum 76 (1998), 153-160. pdf.
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- Kaczmarz algorithm in Hilbert space and tight frames, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 22 (2007), 382-385. pdf.
- (coauthor R. Haller) Kaczmarz algorithm in Hilbert space, Studia Mathematica 169.2 (2005), 123-132. pdf.
- (coauthors W. zu Castell, F. Filbir) Strictly positive definite functions in
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6. Other
- (coauthor W. W. Koczkodaj) On axiomatization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons, Fundamenta Informaticae 132 (2014), 485–500. pdf
- (coauthors R. Khalil i B. Merdas) Erratum to the Khalil paper "Multipliers of Schatten Classes", Journal of Functional Analysis 63 (1985), 137-138. pdf
- (coauthor K. Topolski) Limit theorems for stochastic dynamical system arising in Ising model analysis Probability and Mathematical Statistics 28.2 (2008), 257-270. pdf