Fixed points of continuous group actions on continua

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Benjamin Vejnar (Charles University, Prague)
poniedziałek, 22. Styczeń 2018 - 16:20
In the late 60's Boyce and Huneke independently solved a twenty years old question of Isbell by giving an example of a pair of commuting continuous functions of the closed unit interval into itself which do not have a common fixed point. It follows that the action of a free commutative semigroup with two generators needs not to have a fixed point when acting on the closed interval.In this talk we study the conditions under which every continuous action of a topological (semi)group on a continuum (that is usually one-dimensional in its nature) has a fixed point. We are dealing e.g. with commutative or compact (semi)groups and with the classes of continua including dendrites, dendroids, uniquely arcwise connected continua or tree-like continua.+