Zapraszamy na wykład Constantina Yiannoutsosa, profesora biostatystyki Indiana University Fairbanks School of Public Health (USA) pt.
The culture of “why not?”: Musings by an accidental statistician from three decades of tinkering with data.
Termin wykładu: wtorek 6 czerwca, godz. 13:15 na platformie ZOOM (Meeting ID: 876 0318 5328, Password: 390276), ale zapraszamy do wspólnego uczestnictwa w sali 606.
Abstract: In this talk I will describe my experience being a statistician in a dramatically and unpredictably changing field. I will share stories and adventures that I’ve had through my science making the basic point that, as scientists (and not only as statisticians) we need to have an awareness about the world and an entrepreneurial attitude in finding new opportunities and new ideas.
Short Bio: Dr. Yiannoutsos performs application-motivated research. He is interested in diagnostic test validation, sequential models, clinical-trial design and Bayesian methods. His biomedical research focus is in HIV/AIDS, particularly in research-constrained settings in low to middle-income countries (LMIC). He is co-director of the East Africa Regional Consortium of the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA), a consortium of health centers providing care and treatment to people living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Dr. Yiannoutsos and his colleagues use data obtained from clinical care to address major epidemiologic questions about the worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic.
1994 – 2002 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
2002 – present Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
1991 PhD University of Connecticut
1989 MS University of Connecticut
1986 BA Central Connecticut State University