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- E. Damek, Pointwise estimates for the Poisson kernel on NA groups by the Ancona method, Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, V (3), 1996, 421-441.
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- A. Bonami, D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, A. Hulanicki, R. Penney, B. Trojan, Hua system and pluriharmonicity for symmetric irreducible Siegel domains of type II, Journal of Functional Analysis, 188 (2002), no. 1, 38 - 74.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, Hua-harmonic functions on symmetric type two Siegel domains, Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei, vol. 13, (2002).
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- E. Damek, J. Dziubański, A. Hulanicki, J. Torrea, Pluriharmonic functions on symmetric tube domains with BMO boundary condition, Colloq. Math. 94 (2002).
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- A. Bonami, D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, A. Hulanicki, Ph. Jaming, Maximum boundary regularity of bounded Hua-harmonic functions on tube domains, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 14(3), 457-486, (2004)
- E. Damek, A. Hulanicki, Asymptotic behavior of the invariant measure for a diffusion related to a NA group, Colloq. Math. 104 (2006), nr 2,285-309.
- D.Buraczewski, E.Damek, A.Hulanicki, Asymptotic behavior of Poisson kernels on NA groups, Communications in PDE, 31 (2006), 1547-89.
- E.Damek, G.Garrigos, E.Harboure and J.L.Torrea, Weighted inequalities and a.e. convergence for Poisson integrals in light- cones, Math.Annalen, 336 (2006), 727-746.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, Y. Guivarch, A. Hulanicki, R. Urban, On tail properties of stochastic recursions connected with generalized rigid motions, Probability Theory Related Fields, Volume 145, Numbers 3-4, 385--420, 2009.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, Y. Guivarc'h, Convergence to stable laws for a class of multidimensional stochastic recursions, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol. 148, Numbers 3-4, 333-402, 2010.
- E. Damek, J. Dziubański, Ph. Jaming, S. Perez-Esteva, Distributions that are convolvable with generalized Poisson kernel of solvable extensions of homogeneous Lie groups, Mathematica Scandinavica 105 (2009), no 1,31-65
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, Regular behavior at infinity of stationary measures of stochastic recursion on NA groups, Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 118, 499-523, 2010.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, M. Mirek, Asymptotics of stationary solutions of multivariate stochastic recursions with heavy tailed inputs and related limit theorems, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 122(1), 42-67, 2012.
- S. Brofferio D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, On the invariant measure of the random difference equation $X_n=A_n X_{n-1}+ B_n$ in the critical case, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics, Vol. 48, No. 2, 377–395, 2012.
- E. Damek, S. Mentemeier, M. Mirek, J. Zienkiewicz, Convergence to stable laws for multidimensional stochastic recursions: the case of regular matrices, Potential Analysis (2012), 38(3), 683-697, 2013.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, T. Mikosch, J. Zienkiewicz, Large deviations for solutions to stochastic recurrence equations under Kesten's condition, Annals of Probability, Vol. 41, No 4, 2755-2790, 2013.
- G. Alsmeyer, E. Damek, S. Mentemeier, Precise tail index of fixed points of the two-sided smoothing transform, Springer Proceedings in Math. and Stat., Vol. 53 ``Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions'', 229-251, 2013.
- D. Buraczewski, S. Brofferio, E. Damek, On solutions of the affine recursion and the smoothing transform in the critical case, Springer Proceedings in Math. and Stat., Vol. 53 ``Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions'', 137-157, 2013
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, S. Mentemeier, M. Mirek, Heavy tailed solutions of multivariate smoothing transforms, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 123, 1947-1986, 2013.
- D. Buraczewski, E.Damek, J. Zienkiewicz, Precise tail asymptotics of fixed points of the smoothing transform with general weights, to appear in Bernoulli.
- E. Damek, T. Mikosch, J.Rosinski, G. Samorodnitsky, General inverse problems for regular variation, to appear in Journal of Applied Probability, pdf.
- D. Buraczewski, E.Damek, T. Przebinda, On the rate of convergence in the Kesten renewal theorem, pdf.
- D. Buraczewski, E. Damek, Y. Guivarc'h, On multidimensional Mandelbrot's cascades, to appear in J. Difference Equations, pdf.
- E. Damek, R. Latała, P. Nayar, T. Tkocz, Two-sided bounds for L_p-norms of combinations of products of independent random variables, arXiv: 1404.0344, pdf.
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