Osoba referująca:
Carlos López Callejas
czwartek, 31. Październik 2024 - 17:15
In this talk, we will explore a multidimensional version of
sequential compactness introduced by Kubis and Szeptycki, known as
n-sequential compactness (n-sc), where n is a natural number. They
demonstrated that this property holds in compact metric spaces and
showed that it induces a hierarchy of sequential compactness; that is,
for any n, if a space X is (n+1)-sc, then it is also n-sc. The question
they pose is whether this hierarchy is strict—specifically, whether for
each n, it is possible to construct a space that is n-sc but not
(n+1)-sc. In this presentation, we will discuss some recent progress on
this question and mention further generalizations of sequential
compactness to any countable ordinal.