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PMS Template
PMS Template requirements
Required Information
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Required Information
  • Title. The title should be descriptive but also as concise as possible. Avoid phrases such as "On an unsolved problem of ..." . etc.
  • ShortTitle. An abbreviated version of the title to be used as a running head.
  • ShortAuthors. An abbreviated version of autors' names in the following format:
    • In the case of a single author: initials and surname;
    • In the case of two authors: first author's initials and surname followed by the word 'and' and second author's initials and surname;
    • In the case of three, or more, authors: first author's initials and surname followed by the phrase 'et al.'
  • Names, Affiliations and Addresses.
    • Author: the last name followed by the given name(s);
    • AuthorCity: author's city of residence or employment;
    • AuthorAffiliation: author's institutional affiliation which may be composed in several lines separated by the command "\\";
    • AuthorAddress: author's insitutional address which may be composed in several lines separated by the command "\\";
    • AuthorEmail: author's email address;
  • Keywords. Keywords and key phrases.
  • MSCcodes. AMS subject classifications, primary- and secondary-.
  • Abstract. Not exceeding 150 words summarizing results of the paper and not including any refererence.
  • References. Use the \thebibliography environment and the command \bibitem. No other formats are allowed. The references should be listed at the end of the paper. Each of the references is to be arranged as follows:
    1. Papers published in journals: authors' initials and surname (the last named author preceded by "and", other authors' names separated by comas), full title of the paper (in italics), abbreviated title of the journal according to the current index issue of Mathematical Reviews, number of the volume, year of the publication in parenthesis, the first and the last pages of the paper (e.g., "pp. 123--134");
    2. books: author's initials and surname, book title, publisher, place and year of the publication.
    Use the command \cite throughout the source code of the manuscript.