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* with Kwiecinski, A. (1991) Compensator conditions
for stochastic ordering of point processes. Journal of Applied Prob.
28, 751-761
* with Rolski, T. (1991) Stochastic ordering and
thinning of point processes. Stochastic Process and their Appl. 37, 299-312
* with Disney, R. L., Hur, S. (1994) MR/GI/1 queues
with positively correlated arrival stream. Journals of Applied Prob.
31, 497-514
* with Disney, R. L., Hur, S. (1994) Note on
performance comparison of MR/GI/1 queues. Queueing
Systems 17, 451-470
* with Daduna, H. (1995) Dependencies in Markovian networks. Advances in Applied Prob. 25, 226-254
* with Shaked, M. (1995) Comparison of replacement
policies via point processes. Advances in Applied. Prob. 27, 1079-1103
* with Daduna, H.(1996) A queueing
theoretical proof of increasing property of Polya
frequency functions. Statist. Probab. Lett. 26, 233-242
* with Kwiecinski, A. (1996) Some monotonicity and dependence properties of self exciting
point processes. Annals of Applied Prob. 6, 1211-1231
* with Last, G. (1998) Stochastic comparison of repairable systems by
coupling. Journal of Applied Prob. 35, 348-370
* with Last, G. (1998) Asymptotic and monotonicity
properties of repairable systems. Advances in Applied Prob. 30,
* with Disney, R. L., Morais, P. McNickle, D. Sun, H. (1998) A queue with correlated
arrivals. Investigacion Operativa
* with Daduna, H. (2000) On the correlation of
sojourn times in queueing networks of exponential multiserver queues. Queueing
Systems 34, 169-181.
* with Last, G. (1999) Time and Palm stationarity
of repairable systems. Stochastic Processes and their Appl. 79, 17-43
* with Last G. (2001) Moments and Blackwell's convergence for repairable
systems with heavy tailed lifetimes, Markov Processes and
Related Fields 7, 469-491.
* with Kulik R. (2001) A sufficient condition for
long range dependance of stationary point processes
, Journal of Applied Prob. 38, 570-581.
* with Daduna, H. (2002) Conditional job observer
properties in multitype closed queueing
networks, Journal of Applied Prob. 39, 865-881
* with Daduna, H.(2003) Dependence structure
of sojourn times via partition separated ordering, Operations Research
Letters 31, 462-472
* with Daduna, H. (2004) On the correlation
structure of closed queueing networks,
Stochastic Models 20, 1-29
* with Kulik, R. (2005) Dependence
orderings for some functionals of marked point
processes, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92,145-173 pdf
* with H. Daduna, M. Schwarz, C. Sauer, R. Kulik, (2006) M/M/1 systems with different
inventory management policies and lost sales, Queueing
Systems, 54, 55-78
* with H. Daduna, C. Sauer, R.Kulik, ,
(2006) Isotone differences ordering of
networks with unreliable servers, Probability in Engineering and
Informational Sciences, 20, 575-594
* with H. Daduna (2006) Dependence ordering of
Markov Processes, Journal of Applied Prob. 43, 1-22,
* (2010) Stochastic ordering for queueing networks, Chapter in
for "Queueing networks: A fundamental approach" VanDijk, Boucherie,
* (2008) with Hans Daduna, Christian Malchin, Weak convergence limits
for sojourn times in cyclic queues under heavy traffic conditions, J. Appl. Probab. Volume 45,
Number 2 (2008), 333-346.
*with H. Daduna (2008) Impact of routing on correlation strength
in stationary queueing network processes, Journal of
Applied Prob. Volume 45, Number 4
* with G. Last (2011) Comparisons and asymptotics for empty space
hazard functions of germ-grain models. Adv. in Appl. Probab.
* with P. Lorek . Strong stationary duality for M�bius monotone Markov
chains, Queueing Systems June
2012, Volume 71, pp 79-95,
* with P. Lorek, (2013) Computable bounds on the spectral gap for
unreliable Jackson networks arXiv:1101.0332 to appear in Adv in Appl.
* with P. Lorek , (2014) Strong Stationary Duality for Mobius monotone
Markov chains: examples . submitted
with H. Daduna, (2014) Correlation formulas for Markovian network
processes in a random environment. Preprintreihe Bereichs Statistik und
Stochastische Prozesse. 2013-05. Submitted
With G. Last, On negative association of some finite point processes on general
With G.Last, Correlation inequalities for Gibbs point processes.pdf