Grzegorz Plebanek


Ist European Set Theory Meeting (Bedlewo, July 2007)
photos by A. Roslanowski
Measure Theory. Marczewski Centennial Conference (Bedlewo, September 2007)
my photo galleryMarcin Kysiak's gallery
2nd European Set Theory Meeting (Bedlewo, July 2009)
my photo gallery
Trends in Set Theory (Warsaw, July 2012)
my photo gallery
Mazury for old skippers:
2008 by GP, 2007 by GP , 2006 by GP , 2006 by MP
Mexico (2005)
My pictures.
The charm of old photos...
Here is Edward Marczewski (when ?; found in my office) and five mathematicians from Wroc³aw (Greifswald, early sixties; many thanks to prof. D. Koelzow for that picture).
The charm of old photos(2)
Family album
My street
Quiz: Who is on that photo?

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