- Ist European Set Theory Meeting (Bedlewo, July 2007)
photos by A. Roslanowski
- Measure Theory. Marczewski Centennial Conference (Bedlewo, September 2007)
my photo gallery
• Marcin Kysiak's gallery
- 2nd European Set Theory Meeting (Bedlewo, July 2009)
my photo gallery
- Trends in Set Theory (Warsaw, July 2012)
my photo gallery
- Mazury for old skippers:
2008 by GP,
2007 by GP ,
2006 by GP ,
2006 by MP
- Mexico (2005)
My pictures.
- The charm of old photos...
- Here is Edward Marczewski (when ?; found in my office) and five
mathematicians from Wroc³aw (Greifswald, early sixties; many thanks to prof. D. Koelzow for that picture).
- The charm of old photos(2)
- Family album
- My street

- Quiz: Who is on that photo?
