On strongly orthogonal martingales
in UMD Banach spaces
In the present paper we introduce the notion of strongly orthogonal martingales. Moreover, we show that
for any UMD Banach space \(X\) and for any \(X\)-valued
strongly orthogonal martingales \(M\) and \(N\)
such that \(N\) is weakly differentially subordinate to \(M\),
one has, for all
\(1<p<\infty\), \[\mathbb E \|N_t\|^p \leq \chi_{p, X}^p \mathbb E \|M_t\|^p,\;\;\; t\geq 0,\]
with the sharp constant \(\chi_{p, X}\) being the norm of a decoupling-type martingale transform
and lying in the range \[\begin{aligned}
\textstyle\max\Bigl\{\sqrt{\beta_{p, X}}, \sqrt{\hbar_{p,X}}\Bigr\} &\leq \max\{\beta_{p, X}^{\gamma,+}, \beta_{p, X}^{\gamma, -}\}\\& \leq \chi_{p, X} \leq \min\{\beta_{p, X}, \hbar_{p,X}\},\end{aligned}\] where \(\beta_{p, X}\) is the UMD\(_p\) constant of \(X\), \(\hbar_{p, X}\)
is the norm of the Hilbert transform on \(L^p(\mathbb R; X)\),
and \(\beta_{p, X}^{\gamma,+}\) and \(\beta_{p, X}^{\gamma, -}\)
are the Gaussian decoupling constants.
2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60G44, 60H05; Secondary 60B11, 32U05.
Keywords and phrases: strongly orthogonal martingales, weak differential
subordination, UMD, sharp estimates, decoupling constant,
martingale transform, Hilbert transform, diagonally
plurisubharmonic function.