Fractional stochastic differential equations
driven by $G$-Brownian motion with delays
A. Saci
A. Redjil
H. Boutabia
O. Kebiri
This paper consists of two parts. In part I, existence and uniqueness
of solution for fractional stochastic differential equations driven by
G-Brownian motion with delays
(G-FSDEs for short) is
established. In part II, the averaging principle for this type of
equations is given. We prove under some assumptions that the solution of
G-FSDE can be approximated by
solution of its averaged stochastic system in the sense of mean
2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60H05; Secondary 60H20, 34C29.
Keywords and phrases: non-linear expectation, $G$-Brownian motion,
fractional calculus, averaging principle.