Daniel Danielski
• (co-author: Emanuel Kieroński) Unary Negation Fragment with equivalence relations has finite model property. LICS 2018 Proceedings, pp. 285–294. Extended and improved version: [arXiv].
• (co-author: Emanuel Kieroński) Finite satisfiability of Unary Negation Fragment with transitivity. MFCS 2019. Full version: [arXiv]. Presented also at Description Logic Workshop 2019.
Right-angled Coxeter groups with Menger curve boundary. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 54, Issue 3, June 2022, pages 977–995. [BLMS][arXiv].
• (co-authors: Michael Kapovich, Jacek Świątkowski) Complete characterizations of hyperbolic Coxeter groups with Sierpiński curve boundary and with Menger curve boundary. Fundamenta Mathematicae, Volume 267, 2024, pages 117–128 [Fundamenta Mathematicae][arXiv].

On boundaries of bicombable spaces. preprint [arXiv].

• Elementary Geometry, exercise sessions, Tue 15:15–17:00, [Course's webpage]
• Kombinatoryczna teoria grup, ćwiczenia, pon. 10:15–12:00, [Strona wykładu]
• Kombinatoryka (R), ćwiczenia, śr. 11:15–13:00, [Strona wykładu]
• Matematyka obliczeniowa, laboratorium, wt. 12:15–13:45, [Strona wykładu]
Konsultacje: pon. 12:00–13:00, wt. 11:00–12:00 + na zamówienie