I am interested in pure model theory and its
connections with algebra and topology, particularly in:
- topological dynamics methods in model theory,
- stability theory and generalizations (so-called neostability), particularly groups and fields from this point of view,
- applications of model theory and topological dynamics to additive combinatorics,
- Lascar strong types, Galois groups of first order theories, and spaces of strong types,
- profinite structures (in particular, small profinite groups and rings in this context); and, more generally, Polish structures (in particular, small compact $G$-groups),
- measures in model theory,
- $\omega$-categorical groups and rings,
- minimal and quasi-minimal structures.
K. Krupiński, L. Newelski, On bounded type definable equivalence relations
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (43), 231-242, 2002.
K. Krupiński, Products of finite abelian groups as profinite groups
ps, Journal of Algebra (288), 556-582, 2005.
K. Krupiński, Abelian profinite groups
ps, Fundamenta Mathematicae (185), 41-59, 2005.
T. Blossier, K. Krupiński, A special thin type
ps, Illinois Journal of Mathematics (49), 281-290, 2005.
K. Krupiński, Profinite structures interpretable in fields
ps, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142, 19-54, 2006.
- K. Krupiński, F. Wagner, Small profinite groups and rings
ps, Journal of Algebra (306), 494-506, 2006.
- C. Ealy, K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, Superrosy dependent groups having finitely satisfiable generics
pdf, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (151), 1-21, 2008.
- K. Krupiński, Fields interpretable in rosy theories
ps, Israel Journal of Mathematics (175), 421-444, 2010.
- K. Krupiński, Fields interpretable in superrosy groups with NIP (the non-solvable case)
ps, Journal of Symbolic Logic (75), 372-386, 2010.
- K. Krupiński, Some model theory of Polish structures
ps, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (362), 3499-3533, 2010.
- K. Krupiński, Generalizations of small profinite structures
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (75), 1147-1175, 2010.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, On stable fields and weight
pdf, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (10), 349-358, 2011.
- K. Krupiński, On relationships between algebraic properties of groups and rings in some model-theoretic contexts
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (76), 1403-1417, 2011.
- K. Krupiński, On $\omega$-categorical groups and rings with NIP
pdf, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (140), 2501-2512, 2012.
- J. Dobrowolski, K. Krupiński, On $\omega$-categorical, generically stable groups
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (77), 1047-1056, 2012.
- J. Dobrowolski, K. Krupiński, On $\omega$-categorical, generically stable groups and rings
pdf, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (164), 802-812, 2013.
- K. Krupiński, F. Wagner, Small, nm-stable compact G-groups
pdf, Israel Journal of Mathematics (194), 907-933, 2013.
- K. Krupiński, P. Tanović, F. Wagner, Around Podewski's conjecture
pdf, Fundamenta Mathematicae (222), 175-193, 2013.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, S. Solecki, Borel equivalence relations and Lascar strong types
pdf, Journal of Mathematical Logic (13), 1350008 (37 pages), 2013.
- J. Dobrowolski, K. Krupiński, Locally finite profinite rings
pdf, Journal of Algebra (401), 161-178, 2014.
- T. Gogacz, K. Krupiński, On regular groups and fields
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (79), 826-844, 2014.
- K. Krupiński, Superrosy fields and valuations
pdf, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (166), 342-357, 2015.
- J. Gismatullin, K. Krupiński, On model-theoretic connected components in some group extensions
pdf, Journal of Mathematical Logic (15), 1550009 (51 pages), 2015.
- K. Krupiński, T. Rzepecki, Smoothness of bounded invariant equivalence relations
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (81), 326-356, 2016.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, Generalized Bohr compactification and model-theoretic connected components
pdf, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (163), 219-249, 2017.
- K. Krupiński, Definable topological dynamics
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (82), 1080-1105, 2017.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, T. Rzepecki, Topological dynamics and the complexity of strong types
pdf, Israel Journal of Mathematics (228), 863-932, 2018.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, Amenability, definable groups, and automorphism groups
pdf, Advances in Mathematics (345), 1253-1299, 2019.
- K. Krupiński, L. Newelski, P. Simon, Boundedness and absoluteness of some dynamical invariants in model theory
pdf, Journal of Mathematical Logic (19), 1950012 (55 pages), 2019.
- K. Krupiński, T. Rzepecki, Galois groups as quotients of Polish groups
pdf, Journal of Mathematical Logic (20), 2050018 (48 pages), 2020.
- E. Hrushovski, K. Krupiński, A Pillay, Amenability and definability
pdf. This preprint is not meant to be published, as it has been divided (with some changes) into the next two papers.
- E. Hrushovski, K. Krupiński, A Pillay, Amenability, connected components, and definable actions
pdf, Selecta Mathematica New Series (28), 16, 2022.
- E. Hrushovski, K. Krupiński, A Pillay, On first order amenability
pdf, submitted.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, On the topological dynamics of automorphism groups: a model-theoretic perspective
pdf, Archive for Mathematical Logic (62), 505–529, 2023.
- K. Krupiński, J. Lee, S. Moconja, Ramsey theory and topological dynamics for first order theories
pdf, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (375), 2553-2596, 2022.
- J. Gismatullin, G. Jagiella, K. Krupiński, Bohr compactifications of groups and rings
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic (88), 1103 - 1137, 2023.
- K. Krupiński, T. Rzepecki, Generating ideals by additive subgroups of rings
pdf, Annals of Pure and Appplied Logic (173), 103-119, 2022.
- A. Chernikov, E. Hrushovski, A. Kruckman, K. Krupiński, S. Moconja, A. Pillay, N. Ramsey, Invariant measures in simple and in small theories
pdf, Journal of Mathematical Logic (23), 2250025 (37 pages), 2023.
- K. Krupiński, A. Portillo, On stable quotients
pdf, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (63), 373-394, 2022.
- K. Krupiński, Locally compact models for approximate rings
pdf, Mathematische Annalen (389), 719-743, 2024.
- K. Krupiński, A. Portillo, Maximal stable quotients of invariant types in NIP theories
pdf, Journal of Symbolic Logic, First View (2023), 1 - 25. DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2023.78.
- K. Krupiński, A. Pillay, Generalized locally compact models for approximate groups
pdf, submitted.
- A. Chernikov, K. Gannon, K. Krupiński, Definable convolution and idempotent Keisler measures III. Generic stability, generic transitivity, and revised Newelski's conjecture
pdf, submitted.
- K. Krupiński, A. Portillo, Maximal WAP and tame quotients of type spaces
pdf, submitted.
Work in progress
- Topological dynamics and Ramsey theory in model theory and in an abstract context (with J. Lee and S. Moconja).
- Ramsey properties of amalgamation classes and theories (with N. Meir).
- Topological dynamics, definability patterns structures for measures, affine Keisler measures (with K. Gannon and D. Hoffmann).
- Convolution product of Keisler measures in NIP theories (with K. Gannon and D. Hoffmann).
- Hrushovski's "Cores" of theories and their groups of automorphisms, Ellis groups, and variants.
- Bohr compactifications of first order topological structures (with G. Jagiella).
- Definable locally compact models of definable sets, in particular of approximate substructures, with applications to structural results (with M. Rzepecki).
- Structural and classification results on approximate subrings (with S. Machado).
- Maximal WAP and tame quotients of spaces of types (with. A. Portillo).
Detailed CV
Topological dynamics in model theory
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Algebra 1R
Program i zasady zaliczania ćwiczeń pdf.
Egzamin odbędzie się w ¶rodę 12 stycznia w godzinach 9:00 - 12:00 w sali 605.
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Teoria stabilnosci I
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Stable groups
Literature pdf
Example pdf
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Theories with NIP
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