Longest Consecutive Factorizations

This page lists the LONGEST known case of consecutive numbers for which the complete prime factorization is known. Only results with more than 300 digits are recorded (all numbers must be greater than 10^300, hence must have at least 301 digits). I do care about the LONGEST only, not the largest, hence I will not list results which tie the record length with larger terms.

March 8, 2017:

22 consecutive factorizations at 303 digits by Serge Batalov (further extension of the 20 below by David Broadhurst)

March 7, 2017:

21 consecutive factorizations at 303 digits by Serge Batalov (extension of the 20 below by David Broadhurst)

January 5, 2010:

20 consecutive factorizations at 303 digits by David Broadhurst

December 27, 2009: 18 consecutive factorizations at 303 digits by David Broadhurst

December 24, 2009: 16 consecutive factorizations at 303 digits by David Broadhurst

December 16, 2009: 13 consecutive factorizations at 500 digits by Joe Crump and John Michael Crump

December 6, 2009: 12 consecutive factorizations at 521 digits by David Broadhurst

For records with at least 500 digits go to Largest Consecutive Factorizations by Jens Kruse Andersen.
Jaroslaw Wroblewski jwr@math.uni.wroc.pl