I am a professor at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Wroclaw,
Wroclaw, Poland. The Institute is a part of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
The Polish name of my home institution is
Instytut Matematyczny Uniwersytetu Wroc³awskiego;
Note that the Polish spelling is Wroc³aw (Wroc\l aw in LaTex).
My research interests are: measure theory and set-theoretic topology;
Banach spaces of continuous functions.
This is due to my mathematical geneaology:
Borel -> Lebesgue (1902) -> Montel (1907) -> Biernacki (1928)
-> Ryll-Nardzewski (1949) -> Musial (1971) -> Plebanek (1991).
I got PhD in Wroclaw, habilitation in Warsaw (1998, Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences),
position of a professor at the University of Wroclaw in 2004 and the title in 2009.
In Research you will find my papers and files.
My Erdos number = 2 through Andreas Blass.