Date of birth: 20 May 1970
Place of birth: Jelenia Gora, Poland
Nationality: Polish
Krzysztof Debicki
Mathematical Institute
University of Wroclaw
pl. Grunwaldzki 2/4
50-384 Wroclaw, Poland
1994 M. Sc. in Mathematics at University of Wroclaw
Thesis: A Gaussian fluid model.
Advisor: prof. Tomasz Rolski
1995 M. Sc. in Computer Science at University of Wroclaw
Thesis: Block-type languages recognizable by probabilistic Monte Carlo-type Turing machines.
Advisor: dr. hab. Maciej Liskiewicz
2000 Ph. D. in Mathematics at University of Wroclaw
Thesis: Supremum of Gaussian stochastic processes and their applications in high speed transfer models (cum laude).
Advisor: prof. Tomasz Rolski
2007 Habilitation in Mathematics at University of Wroclaw
Thesis: Metody teorii wartości ekstremalnych w analizie fluidowych sieci stochastycznych.
2012 Professor title.
1994–2000 Assistant (Junior academic staff) in Mathematical Institute at University of Wroclaw, Poland
2000–2009 Assistant Professor in Mathematical Institute at University of Wroclaw, Poland
2001–2003 Post-Doc in National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009–2016 Associate Professor (profesor nadzwyczajny UWr) at the Mathematical Institute at University of Wroclaw
2016– Full Professor (profesor zwyczajny UWr) at the Mathematical Institute at University of Wroclaw
1994 First Prize for Student Paper in Probability and their Applications
2001 Prize for the best talk and paper presented on the XXX Polish Conference on Applications of Mathematics.
2002 The prize of the director of CWI (Amsterdam) for scientific research and cooperation in PNA2 group.
2004 Prize of rector of University of Wroclaw for scientific achievements in 2003
2006 Prize of rector of University of Wroclaw for scientific achievements in 2005
2008 Prize of rector of University of Wroclaw for scientific achievements in 2007
2016 Prize of rector of University of Wroclaw for scientific achievements in 2015
Grants and projects
Project KBN 2 P03A 043 14 (1998-2000) – main investigator.
Project KBN 5 P03A 021 20 (2001-2003) – head of the project.
CWI project P1201, CWI, Amsterdam, 2001-2003 - investigator.
Project KBN 1 P03A 031 28 (2005-2007) – head of the project.
Transfer of Knowledge Fellowship MTKDCT-2004-013389.
Project MNiSW N N2014079 33 (2007-2009)– main investigator.
Project MNiSW N N201 394137 (2009-2011)– main investigator.
Project NCN 2011/01/B/ST1/01521 (2011-2013) – head of the project.
RARE - Risk Analysis, Ruin and Extremes. Marie Curie Actions - IRSES, 2012-2016.
Project NCN 2013/09/B/ST1/01778 (2013-2016) – head of the project.
Project NCN 2015/17/B/ST1/01102 (2016-2019) – head of the project.
Editorial work
2005-2007 Editor of Bernoulli News
2010- Associate Editor of Queueing Systems
2011- Associate Editor of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Other activities
2004 - 2013 Coordinator of Erasmus program at the Mathematical Institute of University of Wroclaw
2012 - Deputy Director of Mathematical Institute, University of Wroclaw for Scientific Matters.