Employee Server - Hera

Information for employees and doctoral students



HERA - a server available to employees, doctoral students and guests of the Mathematical Institute.

Address: hera.math.uni.wroc.pl or IP:

With it, employees can access their files outside the IM network (e.g. from home), or log on to external servers. It is of course also available from computers inside the IM network.

After logging in to herze, the user additionally has the possibility to use installed e-mail clients

  • Mutt
  • Elm
  • (al)pine

and tex environments installed on herze (tex, latex, amstex, lamex), compilers and development libraries.

Login to herze from linux:

To log in to herze, simply use the command in the terminal:

ssh login@hera.math.uni.wroc.pl
(or alternatively: ssh login@

Sign in to windows herze:

To log in to herze you need a ssh client (e.g. putts). In the client settings, type the name of the host:

(alternatively ip:

You can now log in with your login and password.



All employees and doctoral students can use public institute printers available in room 401. Three printers, the HP LaserJet 4350, are available over the network and can be printed on both hery and from your office, Linux, and Windows. The HP LaserJet M2727 is connected to the pc15 and is available locally.

List of network printers available in the Laboratory:

  • lp17
  • lp43
  • lp45

The default printer is lp17.

To print a document from hery on the default printer, simply issue a command:

lpr plik.pdf

If you want to print on another (e.g. lp43) printer:

lpr-P lp43 plik.pdf

To print multiple copies of a document, we use a -# switch, for example:

lpr -P lp45 -# 2 plik.pdf

To print unilaterally, use the printers: lp17/oneside, lp43/oneside, lp45/oneside, i.e.:

lpr -P lp45/oneside plik.pdf

To print two pages per piece of paper, you must issue a command:

lp -o number-up=2 -o sides=two-sided-short-edge file.pdf

To print a booklet (to fold in half) you must issue a command:

pdftops plik.pdf - | psbook| lp -o number-up=2 -o sides=two-sided-short-edge 



The HP LaserJet M2727 printer connected to the pc16 has a scanner with built-in automatic paper feeder (ADF). Readiris is installed in Windows.