Conference fotos
monday - tuesday - wednesday - thursday - friday

The Mathematical Institute of the University of Wroc³aw, the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Banach Center are pleased to announce a conference, "Analysis and Applications" in honor of Professor Elias M. Stein during the week of September 4-8, 2017. The conference is in recognition of Professor Stein's tremendous influence and profound impact on the development of harmonic analysis in Europe, which continues to this day. Our aim is to bring together experts in harmonic analysis and related areas who have played an important part in this development.
Elias M. Stein
Professor Elias M. Stein is a leading figure in the field of harmonic analysis. He is the Albert Baldwin Dod Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Princeton University, USA. He has been actively working in analysis and related fields for over 50 years, and has written over 200 works which have had a fundamental impact in harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, ergodic theory and complex analysis. For his scientific activity, he has been awarded the National Medal of Science by President George W. Bush. He is one of the most frequently cited contemporary mathematicians, and is well-known for his extraordinary ability to train first rate researchers, successfully graduating over 50 doctoral students. Many of them are leading mathematicians in the world today, and the list includes two Fields medalists.

Antoni Zygmund and Elias M.Stein
It is no accident that Wroc³aw has been chosen as the venue for this conference. It is a special place for Professor Stein by virtue of his contacts with the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Wroc³aw. This connection was initiated by Professor Andrzej Hulanicki in the early seventies and continues to this day. Andrzej Hulanicki was one of the leading experts in the field of harmonic analysis in Poland. His collaboration with Prof. Stein significantly contributed to the development of the School of Harmonic Analysis in Wroc³aw. In 2017, the city of Wroc³aw is celebrating the 130th anniversary of the birth of Professor Hugo Steinhaus, a prominent professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Wroc³aw who was one of the founders of the Lwów School of Mathematics. It is highly appropriate that this conference will be a part of this celebration, since Steinhaus was Stein's mathematical ancestor. Indeed, Hugo Steinhaus was Aleksander Rajchmans advisor, Aleksander Rajchman was Antoni Zygmunds advisor, and Prof. E. M. Stein was a doctoral student of Antoni Zygmund. A central aim of our conference is to attract attention to the Lwów School of Mathematics and to demonstrate the great influence that this School has had in developing mathematics throughout the world.
Scientific committee:
Organizing committee:
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