Random Matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications.
6-12.07.2014, Będlewo, Poland
Octavio Arizmendi (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas)
Classical and Free Infinite Divisibility of Scale Mixtures of Boolean
Stable Laws
Nobuhiro Asai (Aichi University of Education)
The $q$-deformed Bargmann measures related to Class I and III of Brenke-Chihara polynomials for $0〈q〈1$
Monika Bhattacharjee (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
Limiting Spectral Distribution of Symmetrized Autocovariance Matrices under
Infinite Dimensional Vector Linear Process and Its Application to Diagnosis
the Time Series Model
Ayan Bhattacharya (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
Heavy-tailed random fields indexed by trees
Arup Bose (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
Convergence of a class of Toeplitz type matrices
Jacek Brodzki (University of Southampton)
The local spectrum of the Dirac operator for the universal cover of
Marie Choda (Osaka Kyoiku University)
Operator Algebraic Shannon's Interpretation for
Entropy-preserving Stochastic Averages
Biswarup Das (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Eberlein compactification of quantum groups
Maciej Dołęga (University of Wrocław)
Gaussian fluctuations of anisotropic Young diagrams
Gérard Duchamp (Université Paris-Nord)
Noncommutative symmetric functions, bases in duality and
Wiktor Ejsmont (University of Wrocław)
New characterization of two-state normal distribution
Rachid El Harti (University Hassan I, Settat)
The Banach-Stone theorem for some Banach $*$-algebras and Applications
Gero Fendler (Universität Wien)
On the weak$^{\ast}$-fixed point properties
of Fourier-Stieltjes algebras and of the Banach space duals
of separable $C^{\ast}$-Algebras.
Uwe Franz (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
Hunt's formula for the compact quantum groups $SU_q(N)$ and $U_q(N)$.
Avital Frumkin (Tel Aviv University)
The diagonal of real symmetric matrices of given spectra as measure space and
Zuber Itzycson Harish Chandra integral over the Orthogonal group
Jacek Grela (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Diffusion of non-hermitian matrix models
Takahiro Hasebe (Hokkaido University)
Unimodality for freely selfdecomposable distributions
Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University)
Anti-norms and superadditivity inequalities in type $II_1$ factors
Takeshi Hirai (Kyoto)
Spin representations of twisted central products of double covering finite groups and the case of permutation groups (joint work with Akihito Hora)
Vincel Hoang Ngoc Minh (Université Paris-Nord)
Factorization and Renormalization
Robin Hudson (Loughborough University)
A causal quantum stochastic double product integral related
to L\'{e}vy area
Anna Jencova (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
Quantum versions of the classical randomization criterion
Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk National University)
Quantum White Noise Differential Equations and Applications
Marius Junge (Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Riesz transforms and harmonic analysis
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (University of Tokyo)
tensor categories and boundary conformal field theory
Søren Knudby (University of Copenhagen)
When do Fourier and Rajchman agree?
Jurij Kryakin (University of Wrocław)
On the exact constant in the Jackson--Stechkin inequality
for the uniform metric. The talk is based on the joint works with A.Babenko, A. Shadrin,
S.Foucart and P.Staszak
Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National University)
Separable states with unique decompositions and applications to
construction of PPT entanglement
Franz Lehner (Technische Universität Graz)
Combinatorics of Cumulants
Andrzej Łuczak (University of Łódź)
On the commutativity of states in von Neumann algebras
Marcin Marciniak (University of Gdańsk)
Quantum symmetries of noncommutative torus
Ion Nechita (CNRS, Université de Toulouse)
Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability
Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku University)
Spectral Analysis of Digraphs and
Coupled Oscillators with Self-Adaptive Dynamics
Carlos Vargas Obieta (Universität des Saarlandes)
A General Solution to Eigenvalue Distributions of Hermitian
Random Matrices
Izumi Ojima (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University)
Holonomy as geometric template in
physical emergence of Macro objects
Adam Paszkiewicz (University of Łódź)
On projections, quantum effects and solutions of some old problems on representations
Karol Penson (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6)
Combinatorial sequences in classical and free probability
Mihai Popa (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Asymptotic Freeness and Matrix Transpose for Wishart and Unitarily
Invariant Ensembles of Random Matrices
Mykhailo Poplavskyi (University of Warwick)
Annihilated random walks as an extended
Pfaffian point process
Yanqi Qiu (Aix-Marseille Université)
The spectral measure of infinite random matrices with Hua-Pickrell laws
Hayato Saigo (Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology)
The Arcsine law and an asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials
Noriyoshi Sakuma (Aichi University of Education)
On Marchenko-Pastur limit of random matrices with dependent entries
Adam Skalski (Polish Academy of Sciences &University of Warsaw)
Haagerup property for quantum groups and arbitrary von Neumann
Piotr Sołtan (University of Warsaw)
A characterization of amenability of locally compact groups and quantum
Kamil Szpojankowski (Warsaw University of Technology)
The Lukacs property in free probability and related characterization
Tatsuya Tate (Tohoku University)
Powers of certain quantum walks
Michaël Ulrich (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
Random Matrices and
Free Lévy Processes
Dániel Virosztek (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Decomposition of matrix variances and subadditivities of certain entropies
Wilhelm von Waldenfels (Heidelberg)
Measure theoretic formulation of quantum white noise
Jiun-Chau Wang (University of Saskatchewan)
Superconvergence to freely infinitely divisible laws
Piotr Warchoł (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Dysonian dynamics of the Ginibre ensemble
Mateusz Wasilewski (Warsaw University)
Amalgamated direct sums of operator spaces
Michał Wojtylak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
On the Weyl function for operators, linear pencils and structured random matrices
Stanisław Lech Woronowicz (University of Warsaw)
Monoidal categories of $C^*$-algebras
Anna Wysoczańska-Kula (University of Wrocław)
L\'{e}vy processes on compact quantum groups
Janusz Wysoczański (University of Wrocław)
Generalisation of anyon statistics
Zhi Yin (University of Gdańsk)
Operator space approach to steering inequality - joint work with M. Horodecki and M. Marciniak.
Joachim Zacharias (University of Glasgow)
Construction of spectral triples and quantum metric spaces
Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
On multiplicative free square root of the Marchenko-Pastur distribution (joint work with Wojciech Mlotkowski, Maciej Nowak and Karol Penson)