Random Matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications.
23-29.09.2012 Będlewo, Poland
The dates of the Workshop are:
arrival day: Sunday, September 23, 2012
departure day: Saturday, Saturday 29, 2012
The conference will be co-sponsored by:
The main topics of the programme are:
- free probability,
- representation theory of symmetric groups and applications,
- Kerov's polynomials,
- random matrices,
- free entropy,
- unifications of independences and generalized R-transforms,
- asymptotic characters of symmetric groups,
- free bi-Poisson processes,
- free Meixner processes,
- combinatorics of partitions related to free Meixner laws,
- infinite divisibility in classical and free probaility,
- Lévy processes on quantum groups,
- bm-independence and related models in noncommutative probability,
- models of probability related to Coxeter groups,
- free harnesses and matricial models,
- q-probability, q-Gaussian processes and Jacobi's theta function,
- Haar measures and idempotents on quantum groups,
- quantum computing,
- free de Finetti theorem and spreadability,
- anyonic deformations and related quantum Lévy processes,
- generalized cumulants.
Scientific committee:
- Gero Fendler (University of Vienna)
- Uwe Franz (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
- Uffe Haagerup (University of Copenhagen)
- Robin Hudson (Loughborough University)
- Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk National University)
- Palle Jorgensen (University of Iowa)
- Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National University)
- Franz Lehner (Technische Universität Graz)
- Michael Leinert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
- Eugene Lytvynov (Swansea University)
- Naofumi Muraki (Iwate Prefectural University)
- Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku University)
- Gilles Pisier (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 & Texas A&M University)
- Denes Petz (Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest)
- Piotr Śniady (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
- Anatoly Vershik (St.Petersburg University & Steklov Institute)
- Jacek Wesołowski (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Local organizing committee:
- Marek Bożejko (Wrocław) Marek.Bozejko
- Ilona Królak (Wrocław) Ilona.Krolak
- Anna Krystek (Wrocław) Anna.Krystek
- Anna Kula (Kraków) Anna.Kula
- Romuald Lenczewski (Wrocław) Romuald.Lenczewski
- Marcin Marciniak (Gdańsk) matmm
- Wojciech Młotkowski (Wrocław) Wojciech.Mlotkowski
- Rafał Sałapata (Wrocław) Rafal.Salapata
- Łukasz Wojakowski (Wrocław) Lukasz.Wojakowski
- Janusz Wysoczański (Wrocław) Janusz.Wysoczanski
Please, confirm your participation as soon as you can,
by sending e-mail to:
Registration deadline is July 15, 2012.
We encourage you to send us the titles and abstracts of your talks,
which you plan to give at the Workshop to
as soon as possible.
The deadline for submission is August 15, 2012.