25.09- 1.10.2011, Bêdlewo, Poland
Helene Airault (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Insset & LAMFA)
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators on a K\"ahler manifold and
infinitesimal representation of a Lie group
representations, some examples
Daniel Alpay (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Linear stochastic systems and a new class of commutative rings
Hiroshi Ando (University of Copenhagen & Kyoto University)
Embedding of Polish groups into unitary groups of $II_1$ factors
(joint work with Yasumichi Matsuzawa at Leipzig & Hokkaido university).
Octavio Arizmendi (Universität des Saarlandes)
On a class of explicit Cauchy-Stieltjes transforms related to monotone
stable and free Poisson laws
Nobuhiro Asai (Aichi University of Education)
The Brenke type generating functions
and orthogonal polynomials.
Michael Brannan (Queen's University, Kingston)
Reduced von Neumann algebras of quantum permutation groups
Matthew Brown (University of Nottingham)
The Quantum Stochastic (QS) Duhamel Principle
Mirelle Capitaine (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Free subordination property and deformed matricial models
Marie Choda (Osaka Kyoiku University)
Entropy for unital completely posive maps
Dariusz Chruściński (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
Non-Markovian evolution of quantum systems
Joachim Cuntz (Mathematisches Institut Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
The regular $C^*$-algebras of some semigroups from number theory
José Luis da Silva (University of Madeira)
Poisson grey noise in infinite dimensions
Mikael de la Salle (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
Non-commutative $L_p$ spaces without the operator space approximation
Maxim Derevyagin (National Academy of Science of Ukraine)
On the $\lambda$-dynamics of the orthogonal polynomials corresponding
to the Jacobi matrix $L+\lambda M$
Takahiro Hasebe (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University)
Semigroups related to additive and multiplicative, free and Boolean convolutions
Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University)
Jensen and Minkowski type inequalities for operator means
(joint work with J.-C. Bourin)
Samah Horrigue (University of Tunis El Manar)
Quantum generalized fractional evolution equation
Robin Hudson (Loughborough University)
Quantum Lévy area
Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk National University)
Quantum Stochastic Calculus Associated with Quadratic Quantum White Noises
Alina Kargol (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin)
Decay of Correlations in Ferromagnetic Quantum Models
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (University of Tokyo)
N=2 superconformal field theory and noncommutative geometry
Andrzej Komisarski (University of Łódź)
On minimal number of measurements, which form an informationally
complete system
Anna Kula (Jagiellonian University, Kraków & Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
L\'evy Processes on compact quantum groups:
from symmetries to derivation and beyond
Bartosz Kwaśniewski (University of Białystok)
C*-algebras generalizing both Cuntz-Pimsner and Doplicher-Roberts algebras
Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National University)
Product vectors and their partial conjugates
Christian Le Merdy (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
Operators and their square functions on noncommutative $L_p$--spaces.
Franz Lehner (Technische Universität Graz)
Characterization Problems in Free Probability
Romuald Lenczewski (Wrocław University of Technology)
Matricial R-transform
Andrzej Łuczak (University of Łódź)
Cloning and broadcasting states
Eugene Lytvynov (Swansea University)
Meixner's orthogonal polynomials in classical and non-commutative probability
Ion Nechita (CNRS, Université de Toulouse)
Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement
Maciej Nowak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Multiplication law and $S$ transform for non-hermitian random matrices
Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku University)
Spectral analysis of Manhattan products of digraphs
Janosch Ortmann (Warwick Mathematics Institute)
Large Deviations for Non-crossing partitions and applications to free
Adam Paszkiewicz (University of Łódź)
On general form of quantum information - joint work with Tomasz Sobieszek
Denes Petz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Some structures of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces (motivated
by quantum theory)
Michael Skeide (Universita degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso)
Free Product Systems
Piotr Śniady (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Trajectories of jeu-de-taquin (joint work with Dan Romik)
Alexander Soshnikov (University of California, Davis)
On fluctuation of matrix entries of regular
functions of Wigner matrices and outliers in the spectrum of finite rank
Fedor Sukochev (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
On the Rosenthal inequalities in noncommutative symmetric spaces
Stanisław Woronowicz (University of Warsaw)
Multiplicative unitary for the quantum double
Janusz Wysoczański (University of Wrocław)
Introduction to generalized (anyon) statistics
(joint work with M. Bozejko and E. Lytvynov)
Quanhua Xu (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
Harmonic analysis on noncommutative tori
Hiroaki Yoshida (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo)
Integral representations of the relative free entropy
associated with semicircular gradients
László Zsido (Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Relative weakly mixing for non-commutative dynamical systems