17 - 23.08.2008, Będlewo, Poland
Luigi Accardi (Roma)
Connections between renormalization and central extensions of Lie algebras
and associated processes - joint work with A. Boukas.
Michael Anshelevich (Texas A&M)
Belinschi - Nica transformations and free convolution semigroups.
Andreas Boukas (Athens)
The *-Lie Algebra of the Renormalized Higher
Powers of White Noise (RHPWN) - joint work with Prof. Luigi Accardi.
Marek Bożejko (Wrocław)
Positive definite functions on Coxeter and free groups.
Nizar Demni (Bielefeld)
Topics on Meixner families - joint work with Marek Bożejko.
Jan Dereziński (Warszawa)
Reduced and extended weak coupling limit.
Franco Fagnola (Milano)
Structure of generators of symmetric quantum Markov semigroups.
Gero Fendler (Heidelberg)
On Convolution Dominated Operators.
Maxime Février (Toulouse)
The Free Multiplicative Convolution Semigroup Of the Free Poisson
Jan Florek (Wrocław)
Billiard, diophantine approximation and related problems.
Uwe Franz (Besançon)
The Meixner classes for Free and Monotone Independence.
Kei Harada (Nagoya)
Semigroups of Wiener Processes on Abstract Wiener Spaces.
Fumio Hiai (Tohoku)
Pressure and its Legendre transform in microstate
free entropy.
Robin Hudson (Loughborough)
Causal and rectangular double products in quantum stochastic
Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk)
Regular Properties of Quantum Stochastic Gradients and Quantum Stochastic Integrals.
Hiroaki Kakuma (Nagoya)
Fourier Transform on Infinite Dimensional Spaces.
Dorota Kępa (Lublin)
Bassalygo-Dobrushin uniqueness for continuous spin systems on
quasi-bounded graphs.
Anna Kula (Kraków)
q-normality, q-positive definiteness and related convolutions.
Franz Lehner (Graz)
Eigenfunctions of lamplighter random walks and percolation clusters on
Michael Leinert (Heidelberg)
On translation of positive definite functions (with Lars Omlor).
Romuald Lenczewski (Wrocław)
A new model of noncommutative probability related to free probability.
Eugene Lytvynov (Swansea)
Diffusion approximation for equilibrium Kawasaki dynamics in continuum.
Adam Majewski (Gdańsk)
Measures of entanglement - a Hilbert space approach.
Marcin Marciniak (Gdańsk)
Tensor cones and approximation problem.
Wojtek Młotkowski (Wrocław)
Fuss - Catalan numbers in noncommutative probability.
Jonathan Novak (Kingston)
Random contractions and a deformation of the increasing subsequence problem.
Hiromichi Ohno (Kyushu)
Free energy density for mean field perturbation of states
of a one-dimensional spin chain.
Narutaka Ozawa (Tokyo)
Recent advances of in classification of finite von Neumann algebras.
Adam Paszkiewicz (Łódź)
On commutative statistics.
Artur Płaneta (Kraków)
Olson's order for selfadjoint operators in Hilbert space - joint work with Jan Stochel.
Adam Skalski (Lancaster & Łódź)
On some questions connected with Voiculescu's noncommutative
topological entropy - joint work with Joachim Zacharias.
Michael Skeide (Campobasso)
What are spatial CP-semigroups?
Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec (Kraków)
Naimark dilations for indeterminate moment problems.
Piotr Śniady (Wrocław)
Combinatorial interpretation of Kerov character polynomials.
Reiji Tomatsu (Tokyo & K.U.Leuven)
On Poisson boundaries of discrete quantum groups.
Janusz Wysoczański (Wrocław)
Remarks on bm-independence.
Hiroaki Yoshida (Tokyo)
Remarks on non-crossing "linked" partitions and free Meixner law.
Andrzej Żuk (Paris 7)
Growth of groups.