Discrete harmonic analysis seminar in Institute of Mathematics, University of WroclawUniversity of Wroclaw 

Past schedule 2004/2005. Current schedule is available here.

Seminar of the Mathematical Analysis Group. Current schedule available on  www.math.uni.wroc.pl/analiza
Organizers: prof. Marek Bożejko (the main organizer), Piotr Śniady (technical organizer)
Topics: commutative and non-commutative harmonic analysis, quantum groups, combinatorics, quantum probability, free probability, Young diagrams, random matrices, convolutions of measures,....
Contact: Piotr Śniady (piotr.sniady@math.uni.wroc.pl)

Past schedule:

October 4,  2004, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Piotr Śniady (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Wolność wyższego rzędu (Higher order of freeness)

November 11, 2004, Thursday: no seminar (Independence Day)

November 17, 2004, Wednesday 11.00-12.45: Kenneth Dykema (Texas A&M): Microstate free entropy for DT-operators
Kenneth Dykema

November 18, 2004, Thursday,, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Anna Krystek, Łukasz Wojakowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), Uwagi o r-splocie i r-deformacji (Remarks on r-convolution and r-deformation)
Anna Krystek   
Łukasz Wojakowski

November 22, 2004, Monday, 17.15-19.00 room 604:
Akihito Hora: Noncommutative Central Limit Theorem and Asymptotic Representation Theory
for Symmetric Groups

November 24, 2004, Wednesday, 17.15-19.00 room 603:
Akihito Hora: Noncommutative Central Limit Theorem and Asymptotic Representation Theory
for Symmetric Groups

November 29, 2004, Monday, 17.15-19.00 room 604:
Akihito Hora: Noncommutative Central Limit Theorem and Asymptotic Representation Theory
for Symmetric Groups

In this series of lectures the topics treated will include
 -- Noncommutative Kerov CLT
 -- Noncommutative CLT and the Jack measure
 -- Indecomposable Characters of a wreath product of the
    infinite symmetric group.
Akihito Hora

 November 25, 2004, Thursday 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Romuald Lenczewski: Discrete approximations of free probability
Romuald Lenczewski

December 2, 2004, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Anna Krystek, Łukasz Wojakowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), New examples of associative convolutions arising from the conditionally free convolution
We define two families of deformations depending on the second free cumulant of the measure and new associative convolutions arising from conditionally free convolution.These deformations do not commute with dilation of measures, which means that the central limit theorem cannot be obtained as a direct application of the theorem for the conditionally free case. Surprisingly, for one of these deformations the central limit measure is not symmetric -- its third moment is not equal to zero. To our knowledge, the only other example of non--symmetric central limit measures come from the universal convolution.
Anna Krystek  
Łukasz Wojakowski

December 9, 2004, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Wojciech Matysiak (Politechnika Warszawska): Procesy stochastyczne z liniowymi regresjami i kwadratowymi warunkowymi wariancjami
Tematyka procesow stochastycznych z liniowa warunkowa wartoscia oczekiwana pod warunkiem przeszlosci i przyszlosci (lacznie), wystepujacych w literaturze pod nazwa harness-ow, cieszy sie ostatnio sporym zainteresowaniem, m.in. ze wzgledu na zwiazki z niekomutatywna probabilistyka i matematyka finansowa. Celem wystapienia bedzie podstawowe opisanie rodziny harness-ow o (co najwyzej) kwadratowych drugich momentach warunkowych. Pokazemy, ze takie procesy wyznaczone sa przez kilka parametrow. Pokazemy takze rownanie q-komutacyjne dla macierzy wspolczynnikow rekurencji dla wielomianow martyngalowych. Prezentowane wyniki otrzymano wspolnie z W.Brycem (University of Cincinnati, USA) i J.Wesolowskim (Politechnika Warszawska).
Wojciech Matysiak

December 16, 2004, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Piotr Sniady: Asymptotic theory of representations of symmetric groups and genus expansion

January 6, 2005, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Piotr Sniady: Asymptotic theory of representations of symmetric groups and genus expansion

Asymptotic theory of representations of symmetric groups asks questions of the following type: what is a typical shape of a Young diagram which contributes to a prescribed infinite series of representations of S_n? Let two large Young diagrams be given; what is the typical shape of a Young diagram which contributes to their outer product; or to a induced; or to a restricted representation? Usual combinatorial methods were unable to solve such questions.

In my talk I will show that for nearly all natural representations (and constructions on them) the fluctuations of Young diagrams around their limit shape have a Gaussian form; in this way I extend results of Kerov, Olshanski, Biane and others. The main tool is the genus expansion: a very universal principle which says that to any combinatorial object we should associate a two-dimensional surface such that its topology determines the asymptotic behavior of the considered object.

This talk is closely related to the series of lectures of Akihito Hora (however no previous knowledge is required and all necessary notions will be introduces); in particular we shall present a one-line proof of Kerov's central limit theroem for Plancherel measure.
Piotr Sniady

January 13, 2005, Thursday, 11.30-13.00, room 311:
Janusz Wysoczanski: Monotoniczna niezaleznosc na zbiorach czesciowo uporzadkowanych

Janusz Wysoczanski

January 20, 2005, Thursday, 11.15-13.00, room 311:
Marek Bozejko: Najnowsze postepy w dyskretnej analizie harmonicznej
Marek Bozejko

January 26, 2005, Wednesday, 11.15-13.00, room 311:
Piotr Sniady: Permutation model for free random variables
Piotr Sniady

February 16, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room ???:
Janusz Wysoczanski: Monotoniczna niezaleznosc zwiazana z czesciowym porzadkiem
Janusz Wysoczanski

March 2, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Alexandre Nou: Asymptotic matricial models and QWEP for the q-Gaussian von Neumann algebras (part 1)

March 9, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Alexandre Nou: Asymptotic matricial models and QWEP for the q-Gaussian von Neumann algebras (part 2)

March 16, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Marek Bozejko: Generalized q-Gaussian random variables (part 1)

March 23, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Artur Buchholz: Even more generalized q-Gaussian random variables

April 6, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Quanhua XU (Besancon, France)    Free Khintchine inequalities and applications
  Quanhua Xu

April 13, 2005, Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Marek Bożejko, Artur Jeż, Anna Krystek, Łukasz Wojakowski, Piotr Śniady: Wspomnienie z Oberwolfach (Souvenir from Oberwolfach)

Marek BozejkoArtur JezAnna KrystekŁukasz Wojakowski Piotr Sniady

April 20, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Marcin Petrykowski:  Kombinatoryczne własności grup z miarami (Combinatorial properties of groups with measures)
Marcin Petrykowski

May 4, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Ilona Królak:  Recent results of Eric Ricard (part 1)

May 11, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Ilona Królak:  Recent results of Eric Ricard (part 2)

Ilona Krolak

May 18, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Jacek Wesołowski (Politechnika Warszawska)
Wokół twierdzenia Lukacsa na stożku Lorentza

May 25, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Benoit Collins:  Jacobi random matrices and free probability.

we prove that the contraction of a random projection by a constant projection is a Jacobi unitary ensemble. Motivated by this and the asymptotic freeness results of Voiculescu, we study asymptotics of Jacobi kernels with weights varying linearly with the degree. This allows us to prove various universality results and reinforce results predicted by free probability theory.

Benoit Collins

June 1, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Julia Reffy: 
Free transportation cost inequalities and random matrices.

June 8, 2005 (Wednesday), 10.15-12.00, room 603:
Piotr Sniady
Representations of unitary groups and random matrices.
Piotr Sniady

People you may meet here: Marek Bożejko, Artur Buchholz, Ilona Królak, Anna Krystek, Romuald Lenczewski (Politechnika Wrocławska), Wojciech Młotkowski, Rafał Sałapata (Politechnika Wrocławska),   Piotr Śniady, Łukasz Wojakowski, Janusz Wysoczański

List of all seminars in the Institute of Mathematics, University of Wrocław

Current schedule is available here.

Please send remarks about this page to Piotr Śniady

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